
panda chan

チャンネル登録者数 90,400人 (2020年5月現在)
寝床作りに失敗して毛布がグチャグチャになり全てがどうでもよくなる柴犬 Shibe failed to make his bed and was messed up, lost motivation

寝床作りに失敗して毛布がグチャグチャになり全てがどうでもよくなる柴犬 Shibe failed to make his bed and was messed up, lost motivation

雷が怖くて牧羊犬のように飼い主を小屋に追い込みナデナデさせる柴犬 When thunder strikes, Shibe drives his owner into the shed.

雷が怖くて牧羊犬のように飼い主を小屋に追い込みナデナデさせる柴犬 When thunder strikes, Shibe drives his owner into the shed.

本当は海が怖いのにサングラスをするとカッコ良く海を眺めてしまう柴犬 Shibe was afraid of the sea, but overcame it by wearing sunglasses

本当は海が怖いのにサングラスをするとカッコ良く海を眺めてしまう柴犬 Shibe was afraid of the sea, but overcame it by wearing sunglasses